Photorealistic 3d product photography of jewellery - created by using 3DS Max and V-Ray.

3D Product Photography – Demise of the Conventional Studio Photographer

As computer generated 3d product photography becomes more popular in advertising and product promotion, the days of hiring a real photographer and photographic studio are becoming less viable.

3D Computer software such as 3DS Max in the hands of skilled 3D Visualisers can create 3d product photography quicker, more cheaply, more beautifully and in more creative ways than a real photographer and photographic studio is able to.


Number one reason for this quite often is that the object or product simply doesn’t exist !  On this score, your conventional photographer is left dry at the dock.

But even if they did exist, a further reason to still go the 3D Visualiser route is often that the product arrangement for the shot may simply not be physically possible using conventional photographic tools and techniques.

3D Product Photography – Jewellery


Why Employ a 3D Visualisation Services Company?

However, perhaps the most compelling reason most business savvy people would argue in favour of using a 3D Visualisation Services company for boils down to the simple question of cash.  It is simply cheaper to employ a good all-round skilful 3D Visualiser to create and produce your 3D Product Photography than hiring an expensive team of professionals.

And whether the imagery be 3D Still, Animated or Object Virtual Reality,  any visual, effect, background look or object colour, shade or hue desired can be created by a 3D Visualiser that a conventional photographer can only dream of.


3d modelling and photo-realistic rendering of a novelty character USB Stick. Created by using 3DS Max and V-Ray.

Young Entrepreneurs turn to for 3D Product Design

When young entrepreneurs and co-founders Tom Haworth and Josh Brown of Technospark wanted to best present their innovative novelty USB stick ideas, they chose the visualisation team at for 3D Product Design help.

At we could soon tell that this energetic pair were going to be a lot of fun to work with – our brief being to make their Uni figurine look cute and curvy, pleasant to hold and attractive to the eye.

Working from hand-drawn sketches and line drawings we got on with our task, discussing every critical design stage with our client until finally hitting the spot with the 3D Product Design seen here.

Our impressive dream duo now not only have photo-realistic 3D promotional material to market their product with, but they are also able to take their Uni model and 3D files to the next level – Prototyping, 3D Printing and then straight through to Manufacture.

All thanks in no small part to the 3D Visualisation and 3D Modelling expertise here at

Technospark have many more great exciting character models ideas in the pipeline and have already been commissioned for their next exciting project – a female version of their Uni Undergraduate !

With Tom and Josh at the helm of Technospark, both bringing lots of energy, enthusiasm and innovative ideas to the table – these young men are sure to be taking this dynamic company places.

And here at we look forward to creating lots more USB Stick models and working on exciting projects from this pair.

Contact and learn more about how we can take your designs, inventions and ideas – and let us help bring them one step closer to reality !

3D Product Design - Entrepreneur - Innovator 02

Founder Tom Haworth of TechnoSpark had this to say;

“The rendering of product looks amazing !  We are really happy with the whole thing and can only thank for all the effort and hard work you obviously put into the design and modelling process. We will definitely be in touch to do business with yourselves again.  We will highly recommend to businesses we are in contact with.  The Uni USB looks quality !”